There is no official statement on the dangers of electromagnetic fields, with regard to one's health. However, some people report experiencing crawling sensations, nausea, headaches, dizziness, anxiety and paranoia after twelve hours of exposure to areas that registers as low as 50 milli-gauss of electromagnetic waves.
Some scientists say that workers who are near power lines or boxes suffer depression or may even be at a higher risk for cancer from being around these areas, although definitive links have not been shown in clinical tests.
While much is not understood, pregnant women are urged to have an EMF meter reading done in their home to ensure that unshielded wires are not creating high electromagnetic field readings. Multiple power boxes combined with unshielded wires can register a reading as high as 360 milli-gauss, which creates a "fear cage." Sometimes paranormal researchers will reach an area where they feel immediately uneasy, which could be side effects from an abundance of electromagnetic energy in the area.
Electromagnetism is new to the paranormal research community, but has also shown new benefits for the scientific community. Electromagnetic therapy products have been popular in China for centuries, but just recently the FDA approved the use of trans-magnetic stimulation to treat depression. Additionally, it's believed that when combined with nanotechnology, magnets can be the key to targeting and eliminating cancerous cells. It appears the answer to many of life's great mysteries is held in electromagnetic fields.